Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

iLack: eLoquence, patience, skills... and the list goes on.

eloquent - fluently persuasive and articulate; effective in expressing meaning by speech

that's... not me. haha.

when i go around reading other people's posts, it's like.. man.. how do you write like that? you write like an adult! and here i am using my simple words and simple way of writing: just saying it how it is. i'm not exactly complaining or anything, because that would be like me complaining to God for making me the way He did - but i should know that it was for His purpose and His alone. although i do see it as comparing.. and ooh that's an ugly concept to be ruminating on: comparing yourself to others. we all definitely struggle with comparing ourselves to the people around us, or even just the random passerby in our lives who seems to be 100x better than us at a specific skill.

simple encouragement: you're probably 100x better than the other person at something else, and know that it may not always be physically portrayed. one way or another, God gave us gifts and talents to proclaim His glory through us. whether it be teaching, being patient, instrument, arts, basketball, programming, being healthy, caring for others, or just having time for them... it's all gifts that God gave us that are unique to us. granted, we may have same abilities as others, but definitely the portrayal and method in which it is portrayed is different everytime.

... unless we are twins being puppeted to say the exact same things to people in the same situations, but that's not God. and i definitely do believe that THAT is the beauty of God - that He gives us the choice, which makes our salvation and display of talent that much more beautiful. so no matter what - we are special (always in a good way).

you are special. you are beautiful. you are God's creation - made in the likeness of Him, to display His glory through you.

*sigh* women. haha.

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