Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


i've been watching a lot of movies in the past few days - probably a lot more than i've watched in the past year or so. i guess i kinda got cheap in watching these movies, eh? haha!

it's actually really sad now that i think about it. what have i been doing these past days?

cooking! a lot! man. dakdolitang, yangyum chicken, curry of course, curry duenjang jigae, dalk jjo reem, and my own custom creations of course.

anyways, the ugly truth was a decent movie, if you take it completely objectively and not critically. haha it's got a lot of simple humor and simple themes. funny people was... funny.. and sad. kinda like click, but with different humor, which i didn't exactly agree with all the time. but hey, who's complaining? haha. i would say the top notch movie for this summer was 500 days of summer. very well made, with a very good soundtrack, might i add. there was something about it that i clicked with.. maybe it was the "indie"-esque feel to it. anyways, YES man was also good. simply, good.

with all these movies that i've been watching, it's been giving me a lot of hope. i don't know why, but, movies are mostly made to be optimistic - except for those twisted movies... bleh. anyways, they just give me a better outlook on life? like maybe in the end of things, it will get better? heck, i know it's supposed to. but i think they gave me a real tangible example that i can relate to. thank you media (for once)! haha.

oooh, one really strong impact on me was freaking shining inheritance. haha that drama kept me addicted for so long. even though i didn't even watch episode 3-9, i think watching 20 of all the other episodes of the series was good enough. but man it was definitely a good story with the typical korean drama feel/teases. however, the overall character development was not as i expected. maybe i haven't watched enough korean dramas to think this was a complete typical korean drama, but i thought it was definitely different. and i liked it. freaking i wanted pak jun se to get go eun sung. too bad it couldn't be a typical fairytale ending. anyways, he's my new favorite! haha it was kwon sang woo before, but he is now the new "cool guy."

man. i was looking around for pictures of bae soo bin, but he definitely does not have that suave musheeneun namja vibe. maybe i should give up on him? haha. man, anyways.

where i stand with everything - to be honest, is just an attitude of carpe diem. sieze the time that you have of living, sieze the moments that you have with people, sieze the oppourtunities that present themselves, just sieze. and don't look back? i dont know. we'll see.

and that's that.


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