Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Monday, August 24, 2009


you know, i wanted to post about all the things i did so far since i got to korea, but i'll save that for when i get into my school apartment. so i'll just do like more personal stuff of late.

i kinda realized how dependent i am, wherever i go. when i was back home, i was dependent on friends and family for comfort, when i was in SD i depended on friends for comfort, and while i'm here in Korea i'm dependent on my friends for comfort... and to get around and survive haha. todays like my first day in korea to myself, and since i don't have internet where i currently live, i have to come to pc bangs in the seoul area to blog, game, email, and facebook. i'm i sinchon right now, which is actually a place i haven't checked out, but i thought i might since it's going to be yonsei's college town. everywhere i go though, everythings pretty much the same. just that some buildings look different than others. but basically what everything consists of is cafes, food places, business buildings, telephone stores, food places, general stores, marts, bars, clubs, noraebangs, pc bangs, and more food places. haha. soo much food everywhere. i love it, but it kinda makes me overwhelmed much of the time.

this is my motherland, korea. aside from the repetitive environment, i really like it here. i guess because it's a new experience. a new place to live. things started to get very ritualized while i was in SD and norcal. i guess i need some new spice. and korea is.. very spicy~ hahahaha. no, but seriously. as i look back at how much i've spent here, it's crazy. i guess because i'm here for the first time touring, and because all the little cheap things added all up end up being HELLA money. food is basically like 90% of the money i spent though. haha, well spent.. well spent.

personally, i'm definitely still in a rut. dependent on others for life-giving happiness, not dependent on God (because of my current, skewed distrust), and never being content with myself. i dunno. it's hard for me to just say GOD, YES~! it's not even because i've been jaded or anything, but i think it's more of just being habitualized to feeling this way towards certain things. do i like being here? no.. well, kidna. do i want to be somewhere else? yes, of course! do i want to give up where i am to get there? not really.. meh. it's just stuck.

well i'll try to update later about KOREA. pictures on facebook soon as well.



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