Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Monday, December 28, 2009

something about korea..

there is definitely something about korea that is very daunting.
makes it so very alluring for me to try new things and be a rebel to the way i was in the past. i don't think it's the sheer fact that i'm in a new place and want to try new things, because that was me in the beginning of when i came to korea.

so now that i've kinda been there and done that, i feel like maybe this is just a side of me that i've been keeping hidden - kept bottled and restricted because i didn't want to show the real under-the-face-value of my self. maybe it's just a phase in korea, i'm not even sure. i know that the current life i'm living isn't glorifying to God in many ways, but i know for sure that i wasn't being myself back at home.

maybe there's a way to fuse the two together and be the real me with God.

who knows.


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