Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Life is so fleeting.

I don't even know how to explain this. Well, I do. But it's just an opinion... anyways, here goes.

Life is but a blink of an eye compared to the eternity we're going to spend in Heaven.

Ever heard that before? or something like it? Do you agree with it? I do agree with it. I really do.

Now if you say that you agree with it, do you get how it's SO relevant to your life? If you look at Ecclesiastes, that book is literally littered (well, not literally.. you know what I mean) with so much about how our time here on earth is so short, so meaningless. If you really think about it, it kinda is meaningless. The pain we have in our finger, the stress that we have from one upcoming test, or even family issues. I mean yes, they matter to a certain extent, but how much does it really mean with respect to the HIGHER purposes (by higher, i mean God's). And think about, even, how long we spend thinking or stressing about them when really, our time on earth is so short. Why bother worrying so much about how well you're going to do on that test or how good you're going to look when you're giving a presentation? It's just a fragment of life. It may have it's consequences that may affect you later in life, but really how much is it worth ruminating over when the SALVATION of the people around you are in danger territory? How selfish are we humans, stressing about our successes or how much our career matters to us.

Why not stress about the family relative you have that is unsaved? What about uncle Ted, or auntie Jenny? There's HUNDREDS, THOUSANDS, so many things more to worry about than these miniscule things. Yes, we should care about shining the light and showing the world that Christians can be successful and not all bums. But really, we should know that it's really all in God's control and if He wills it for us to be successful, then our job is to do our best in His name and He will do the rest.

I realized that Satan really gets to me when I start thinking about myself and my own needs. How my needs matter so much, and blah. But really, if I am assured in my salvation, then I will be assured that God will take care of me. And if I get hurt, then ULTIMATELY it's for my good. Or.. I mean, it may not seem like it's good to me, but in His eyes (which is the only eyes that matter), it's for my good. Anyways, yeah. Basically when I'm selfish = sin.

I really kind of want to give a specific chapter/verse/passage in Ecclesiastes to encourage with, but really just read it all. If you've already read it, read it again. Such a rebuking, eye-opening, come-to-a-realization kind of book. But when you read it, be open and be ready for anything. It can catch you off guard sometimes.

Anyway, I've really been coming to a realization that yeah I'm a sinner, and I still sin because I'm so human. But after that, I can't let it get to me to discourage me. That's just satan. Just gotta be done with it, turn and repent. Step forward and lift it up to God.

Step forward and pray.

Pray. Now THAT'S a kingdom topic. Hoo hoo. How we don't EVER pray enough. How we don't EVER have enough of a burden and a love for one another. How we don't EVER seek to reach outside that comfortable we call self-centerdness. Now I can go on about this, but basically pray. That's the lesson I feel that I've been learning. I mean not to pray because I feel bad. Well kind of.. But to pray out of a genuine heart, seeking God. Pray for others. Pray on behalf of those in your life that are unsaved. Pray for those who struggle so much in their faith over simple worldly things. Pray for our own sinful heart to be made anew, refreshed, untainted. Pray, pray, pray.

I can really go on and on about this, but basically what I'm trying to say is stop this Mememe thing, and make it a God God God thing. Or just think about it as JOY (Jesus, Others, You). Let's take a big picture view of things, more on how God sees it rather than how we see it through our small, tainted eyes. I don't say these things because I'm perfect either. Seriously, if anyone needs work, it's me. NO JOKE KIDS. I seriously have so much ish, but I really am just trying to not let it get to me, but see it through God's eyes as well. It's hard, but something we all need to hear.


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