Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Heaven Forbid.

I never really knew what that meant. "Heaven forbid". But I never thought about it because it wasn't a commonly used word.. at least not in my group of friends. However, it sparked an interest in me because as my ipod was surreptitiously going through shuffle, a song was sounding very catchy. Needless to say, it was a song called "Heaven Forbid" by The Fray. Weird thing is that lately I've been coming upon a lot of news related to this particular band. Intrigued, I continued to listen to the song.. and it kept repeating a specific phrase:

"Heaven forbid, you end up alone and don't know why.
Hold on tight, wait for tomorrow, you'll be alright

And reflecting upon The Fray, I heard they were supposedly a christian band, so I was listening to the song over and over trying to understand the lyrics. I have my own interpretations, but I think if I were to relate this (in the smallest sense) to the Christian life, then I would have to say that...

Actually, before I explain. I want to share someone else's interpretation of it that I found online:

This song is about a girl who--similarly to myself-- has spent the past twenty(ish) years looking for something everyone else has but she can't find. She compensates for her lack of love by going for random hookups, meaningless short relationships, and nights spent alone.
The singer is a friend of hers, possibly a guy friend who cares for her, telling her that everything will be okay. He slightly mocks her actions by saying "heaven forbid you end up alone" but you can tell he has genuine concerns mixed in as well when he says "out of this one I don't know how to get you". He wants to get her out of the mess of relationships shes in but doesn't know hoe. Also, he's trying to warn her that things that feel (temporarily) good isn't reason enough to settle.

I thought that this interpretation was pretty interesting because if you try to relate it to the most christian sense, it kinda explains that this person with the concern is like a saved friend, guardian angel, or a Jesus-like character. And the girl in the story is another one of us, compensating our lack of love with meaningless pleasures from the world. Making out with lust here, adultering with the media there, etc. We spend our lives having meaningless immoral relationships with the world while God is standing there, speaking words of life to us through the Bible, or random people (who God uses) who have genuine concerns for us.

And we wonder why we end up so unfulfilled in this life. Sometimes we just have to take a second and just sit there and look at ourselves from an observers perspective and just get a tiny glimpse of how sinful and messed up we are. Take that and measure it ten-fold because it's probably how the pure, sinless father sees a fleshly human individually.. THEN take that and multiply it times... ALOT to just have a tiny idea of what God sees of this whole world. Man, I can't even comprehend that. How sinful are we? If it's under the idea that is unable to be fathomed by us, then I'm pretty sure we would die just from trying to understand it in a Godly perspective.

Now I'm not sure if you understood that. But it's just me kind of going off another one of my tangents... as usual.

but to move on to the second line of that chorus "... wait for tomorrow, you'll be alright.", kind of as spanish_eyes explains it, I truly feel that although we feel so dirty as sinners and as we try to understand all of the judgment that is reserved for us. It's like God or a pastor or.. christian friend telling us, just wait a little til I get to the next part of the Bible. And in the next part (New Testament), it's about God's saving Grace through His son, Jesus Christ.

As John 3:16 so plainly says it, He loved us sinful, undeserving beings so much that He sacrificed His son so that we could live and be with Him eternally. Now what a gift! For some who just feel so crappy about themselves, I can just imagine the people who are unsaved that feel so crappy about themselves or who are clinically depressed, will just end up suiciding or something. But they must wait a little, be patient, to see the beauty of the Cross. The beauty that we will not be judged, that we are proven clean, because Jesus died on OUR behalf. Just like that. And once we believe in that hope, that "tomorrow", then you'll be alright.

Man, I don't even want to give my own interpretation, because through spanish_eyes, I think I was able to see what was meant of this passage. Haha, actually I had nothing planned to say anyways, so thanks spanish_eyes! :]

Now.. to move onto the phrase "Heaven forbid". Because this song sparked such a strong interest in me, I had to find out what it really meant, so I looked it up on google and one of the first few links took me to understand that it means:

You say "Heaven Forbid!" to emphasize that you very much hope that something will not happen.

Now as spanish_eyes so graciously presented us with the idea that the concerned person says, slightly mocklingly, that "he" hopes that she will not end up alone. God, not so mockingly, hopes that we will not end up alone and will end up with Him in paradise. In Heaven. He just wants us to wait for the good part, the part where we can fully understand the gospel and what He means it to be for us individually. Now as we each come to understand God's heart for us, we begin to understand what our true purposes on this Earth is, which can be simply put as: Be doers and livers of the Gospel.

Man, what a lesson. I really hope spanish_eyes is saved, because if I just got this entire interpretation from a non-believer that's even more rebuking. Well, kind of. I just hoped that they're saved because .. well it is a hope that lies within my heart for everyone.. So I don't need to explain myself! :]

I really do like this song though. and I like the phrase! Heaven forbid! I'm going to try to use it my daily language now.. hopefully no one will think I'm trying to .. be amish or something. Oh! a puritan! haha.. err, I don't know.

Anyways, to end, I would like to explain the picture. No, no, no. It really has no relation to this whole thing I was talking about. Heaven forbid! (muahahhaha :]) It was just a picture that my mom sent me through an e-mail she sent me the other day. It was very encouraging because I really like those kinds of pictures, scenic-ish. I have a nice one as my background wallpaper right now, one day I will share with you all. ONE DAY! Muahaha I hog it all to myself.

Man, I am on crack. I need to study for finals... Ugh, if any of you are going through tough times, finals, or anything tough.. like this Christian life in the world...

Let's always refer back to the gospel.
Or my favorite verse works, too:

"He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;

but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."

Isaiah 40:29-31



  1. the term "heaven forbid" is not exactly the best term to use =/ maybe something more like "I hope that it is in God's will that heaven forbid..."

    and btw. your posts are so long! and they make me use so much time to read!!!!!!! but i still lahv you

  2. Psalm 30:5

    Cool beans! haha :D
