Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


i just watched my sister's keeper and wow. it was a sad movie, keeping me either sad or very melancholic (if that's a word). it was seriously.. the whole time. i won't spoil the movie though, if there are any out there who wish to watch it.

the purpose of this post is not to write about this movie in particular, but about movies in general - at least my general feeling about movies.

and my opinion is: i love them. i think it's really cool how they give you an opportunity to immerse yourself completely into the world of that movie. now, i believe, that if a movie doesn't allow you to do that... then it's not a movie. i feel like the point of the movie is for you become a part of their world and experience the feelings that the characters are feeling and experience the most excruciating and most joyful moments with them as well. if the director, director of photography, and music editor (or whatever) cannot help you into this, then the whole movie is either bogus or a documentary.

i think that's why i generally have a positive opinion on most of the movies that i watch. it's not that i'm critiquing them on the story development or the camera angles, etc. but more that if you can allow the viewer of the movie become part of the movie somehow - maybe like a passive character in the movie - then you've done your job. and hopefully the story, angles, and all that will take care of themselves.... hopefully. but i don't know, i'm not a pro director or movie critic or anything, but i really think that that is the general consensus of most movie goers. and you have to have crazy movies like memento (which i like, btw) or shawshank redemption for those really critical moviewatchers.

anyways, that's my take on movies.


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