Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

this is a story...

of a boy named Lenny.

before i begin, i would like you to know that i'm writing while listening to a bunch of yiruma. so if you find any mood behind this... it might just be the music giving me the mood of this story.

Lenny was your average boy, living the typical american life. studying to succeed, interacting with friends and dreaming that one day he would have that perfect family- with the white picket fence. he knew that he was different and knew that someday he was destined for greatness. but what determined greatness? thought this young boy named Lenny. was it being completely satisfied with life? was it having a lot of friends and having good relations with everyone? was it having your dream job, making lots of money? or was it to live a simple life, not too many complications?

as he went on with life, entering middle school and struggling with it a little bit... high school wasn't a different story. he went around trying to experience the world to find if the world could answer his questions. he also asked people, people that he had heard were wise... to his dismay, these strategies had brought him only temporary comfort and something to strive for, but eventually had failed. each and every criterion from his previous thoughts could help him understand greatness.

is this term "greatness" just too far-fetched for me to understand? he thought to himself. maybe i just need to experience life a little more...

so he went on with it. onwards to college, going to the school of his (and his parents') dreams. although he wasn't sure college was for him, he thought he just might find the answer to his all-consuming question... what determines greatness? maybe some experience in the independent life would lead him to his answer. so he lived his life in college. and boy did he live. he made tons of friends, joined lots of extra-curricular groups, got decent grades, talked to a lot of girls that he thought would be potential wife-material... don't you think he lived? i think so.

Lenny was the man in college. it wasn't as if he was known all around campus, but every person he walked pass smiled at him. and he thought to himself, maybe... just maybe this is greatness.

so he lived in this for his years in college, taking leadership positions with his dazzling charisma and getting good marks with any teacher that he had. he was on his way to a successful career in business. he even had a girlfriend. and this girl, boy was she the cutest girl on school. not HOT, but cute... because that's what more long-term is, right? her name was Reia. anyways, she had the best personality any man could ask for. loving, caring, can cook, cutest face and eyes, great singer, friendly but not too friendly, and always tries to find a way to make her boyfriend happy. they went out for 2 years and Lenny just knew in his heart that she was the one. his future-wife.

so Lenny graduated and was on his way to getting his mBA at Harvard. he took the test and got the top 1% score. he knew he was set on getting in, so he decided to take a trip with his girlfriend and her family, just to get on their good side. i mean, he was already on their good side since he was the "perfect guy"... but it wouldn't hurt to at least help it a little more, right? and so they took a trip to the Bahamas and had a blast. all the while during the trip he made Reia's parents laugh, smile, and even cry... in a good way. all the while, Reia seemed so happy with her boyfriend, Lenny. it was all just so perfect.

or was it?

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