Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

seriously. too seriously.

i think i've found a good group of friends here in korea. one of them whom can keep me accountable if ever there was a situation. i mean it's more because we're going through similar struggles and in the same area at the same time.

i didn't think i would find a group of friends that shared compatible personalities so easily, i guess it was kind of about time though - since it's about a month into my stay here in korea.

there's not too much to write about though, for some reason i feel as if i've run out of things to say. maybe because i've laid it all out there, and actively waiting for something to happen. really wishing for something to happen.

looking back in this korea trip, i'm really glad that i'm here enjoying the culture and slowly (but surely) getting better and more confident with my korean. i just hope that i'll be conversationally strong before the end of this trip.

it also may have seemed that i have pre-judged many people that i have come to meet, i think i'll just have to get to know them better over the course of this trippp!

btw, mommy's coming to korea for 추석? is that what it's called? korean thanksgiving? anyways, i'm excited :] seeing my mom going back to her roots and enjoying a good break back in korea in which she hasn't been here since before i was born (so +20 years) - it's crazy!! haha. too bad i can't show her my wife-to-be or anything... i think she may be getting worried about me finding someone... my one. that's something that never leaves my mind. i don't think it ever will.

i thought about it today and i was thinking.. man, i like being single.. but i would really like someone to be there to laugh at my stupid jokes, be there with me through the tough times, someone i can vent to or call anytime. even while i'm here in korea... i so, so, so want someone to just be there. haha, it may just be that literally every "true" korean here hang out in couples. they're everywhere... ALL doing HELLA coupl-y things. making me feel all the more single... *sigh*

someone's out there. maybe i should be praying for that. eiii.


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