Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Monday, July 6, 2009

random thoughts at a random time.

life. is pretty random.

the interactions we come across daily, the random moments we see clouds in super cool shapes, the random people you see in their moments - making mistakes, the joyful expressions you see when you walk around at a grocery store, even happenings on facebook are random (granted that you don't go on it 24/7). or is it all random? fate.

i have a quiz in 30 minutes that i basically quit studying for because i didn't feel like it anymore. and now i'm just blogging my life away.. "i... won't worry my life away" - so random.

on a random note, i've been thinking a lot about where i stand with a lot of things and people. in terms of things, all i really want right now is just to live. live like i never have before - even that takes effort. i thought i could just go with the flow and ease into things, but EVERYTHING enjoyable takes effort. so i'm making it, at least a little. and in terms of my faith. well that's definitely at a standstill, probably even a decline. but i really hope that it's... nevermind.

in terms of people, i see myself floating around everywhere to just be with things i find most comfort in. no rejection. and i know that probably won't keep me in check either - but whatever. i should probably get out of this mentality though, because if i go to korea only seeking whatevers comfortable... i'll probably end up staying in my dorm room... writing more stuff on this blog, or facebooking. how sad that would be.

so it's gotta be free-spirited with a little extra effort. we'll see how that goes.
haha i seriously am in this "eff it" mode.

btw. i gotta start cooking more. i'm wasting so much money at random food joints... it's sooo bad.

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