Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

can't sleep...


this happens to me sometimes. but i know many friends who actually have it to the point where, in my opinion, it should be diagnosed. i can't imagine how hard it would be to not be able to sleep when you want to, or at least when you know you should. i'm used to easily falling asleep, so it really pisses me off when i can't. it doesn't make a good mixture with me especially since, when i'm tired, i can't wake up for the life of me. what kind of life could i live? i think by that point, i'd probably have to take medication to help me sleep... then there goes drug addiction.

anyways, it's been quite a day today going all the way to ilsan to help my buddy get his true religion jeans tailored. nonetheless it was fun! what made my day was trying 되지 곱창. this is mostly because of my first bad experience with 소곱창, i really didn't like the way it exploded in your mouth; however, 되지 곱창 was a different experience - mostly because it was not explosive and actually tasted like a piece of meat. hooray for trying new foods! now.. onto eating more 해물 type of stuff - that's something that i can barely get myself to do, especially when it smells hella fishy.

another thing. if i haven't said it yet or enough, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! man am i excited to eat some good thanksgiving grubbing. i mean granted i'm going to have to cook most of it and it's going to have korean versions of the ingredients (if i get the right ingredients for thanksgiving stuff -_-, i mean it's korea after all). but really, as thanksgiving approaches, i find myself more and more thankful for a lot of the things i have and the life i received to live. AHHH THANKSGIVING FOOD. i can't think about it enoughhhh. i think it's an even stronger feeling for me, more than others, because my family always goes all out in terms of the food. when i say all out, i mean ALL OUT. we really do it big, even if the numbers are as small as 4-5 people. we just eat the leftovers for days and days after. mmmm mm i can just taste the awesome mac n cheese/mashed potatoes in my mouth. crap it doesn't help that it's nearly 3am in the morning and i'm starting to get hungry. ugh. ok i should stop.

anyways, take it from me from my 곱창 experience. try new foods! even foods you don't think you'll like. if there's another person there next to you that likes it alot or loves it, you gotta change your perspective on the food and EAT IT like it's delicious! i would say 65% success rate - better than half right?

i've also found myself liking a lot of korean music nowadays. i've actually attained the ear for it and now enjoy it daily. omg, what's happening to me!? i'm becoming so much more korean by the days that go by.. eating 곱창 and listening to korean music (and all the other things previous, and onward). oh yeah, and my koreans finally getting better! thank goodness, i used to not be able to speak period, and now i can make some conversation with most koreans! HIGH FIVE!

one specific band i've been listening to nowadays is humming bird stereo. here's a clip by them that goes with the theme of this post.

please, mind their english. i chose this song because of the title of the song, but most of their other stuff sounds pretty good. a good listen.

i should stop blabbering now.

have a good day! and happy thanksgiving!


1 comment:

  1. i think another popular video by them is

