Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

one week!

dang it's already been one week since i've posted on this things? geebus! i feel like time has flown by much too quickly for me to handle. i really felt at first that i had plenty of time in korea, but now i'm really trying to grab hold of the little ounce of time i have left here.

how to make the best of it here? do as many things as i possibly can? drink as many nights as i possibly can? hang out with friends as much as i possibly can? study as hard as i possibly can? go to as many places as i possibly can?

i'm pretty sure that the answer lies in the in between of things, but it's really where my heart is when i'm doing these things. is my heart set to really embrace the things that God has blessed me with? is it set to embrace the opportunities that i have had thus far in korea? i know that i'm oh so thankful for the things i've done, places i've been to, things i've tried, people i've met, and things that i've learned (although some classes are seriously bs). i've really had the opportunity to do so much and experience so much in a time span of so little. it's not by my choosing, although i had made the decision, but God set everything into place that allowed me to experience the things in the way that i did. granted, i had many struggles as well, but i know forsure that i've come out knowing a lot more about my self, where my faith is, and a little (tiny, tiny) more about who God is.. even though i'll never really be able to know or understand or FATHOM God and His perfect character.

on a side note. people are really hard to understand, because they constantly fluctuate in how they treat you, how they act around certain people, also depending on their thoughts at that time... or specific time of the month. i don't know. right when i feel like i've come to understand someone, they just up and make a 360 on me in terms of their actions... and also their beliefs. are we just meant to be beings full of holes and never consistent? because of our flesh?

is it because we're torn between the flesh and the spirit?


1 comment:

  1. I like to think that the test God gives us isn't as simple as overcoming or failing, but about the journey. Whether we fail or succeed, its how we do it that counts. You can succeed as a failure, and at the same time fail as a winner. Its not always about what we do, who we meet, and what we accomplish, but the path that we take and how we reach it. I don't think that God has made our decision but more so give us the options. And although sometimes we choose the path that may lead to pain, it's how we overcome or fail, not whether we can overcome it or not.
