Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Monday, November 30, 2009

i'm sick.

and i hate it. i hate being sick!! i'm supposed to only get sick 1 time a year... but since korea, i got sick twice... what the effffffffffffffff :[

i think all those 3 days of sleepless nights and slaving/stressing over thanksgiving dinner has paid off.. in more ways that i wanted it to.

thankfully, the dinner was a success.. people helped out, people ate, people were merry. and that was just enough to make the entire weekend of slaving worth it. i almost didn't need to eat because i was so satisfied. however, i ate... and i ate ALOTT

i think 3 pictures should suffice to show the joy and success of this night.

however, being sick was not on the plan. i guess i compromised a lot of my body's strength and vitality for this on top of being around a lot of sick people probably did not help out.

anyways, i am so very thankful and lucky that this dinner turned out the way that it did. because seriously i have barely enough experience to do something like this for so many people, but somehow.. someway it ended up working out.

onto other things.

because i'm sick and i slept about 13 hours today, i feel really unproductive and felt like i needed to do something... so i watched TV. haha. VERY productive, right? i watched marley and me, and did not expect that kind of dynamic to come out of this kind of movie. it was a very REAL-life setting and the way the characters struggled and enjoyed life together was really well depicted. and thank GOODNESS for no sex-scenes. how could a movie get any better? :]

one quote that stuck out to me:
"A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water log stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if your rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?"

and it's so true. i didn't realize it but really when cut down to the least common denominator. dogs don't care if you're rich or your poor, stupid, smart. if you really show your care to it(him/her, whatever) that's all that really matters. so pure in heart. i know i'm going out on a ledge to say this, but if there were a personn with many of the same characteristics as a dog.. aside from the animality and stuff, i think they would make a very pure person. just show that person how to love, who God is, they would be set. i don't know.. i'm thinking some crazy things i guess.. maybe it's cuz i'm sick.

anyways, happy day to everyone!


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