Hana-bi (fireworks)

Hana-bi (fireworks)
credits saeruma photography.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

gratitude to the max

now that my birthday has passed officially (in korea), reminiscing upon the facebook wallposts, the time spent with friends, and the gifts i received.. i realized how thankful i am... to be me.

just to be shown appreciation for being BORN is such a big thing. you can take all these remarks, time spent, and gifts received and think nothing of them.. thinking that it's just another day. but if you REALLY think about it, it's a God-given day to really be thankful for. i mean those are the landmark days of our specific countries that are celebrated. well, Christmas isn't exactly chronologically correct... along with its being a marketed day for all of society to spend a lot of money on; yet, it is still a day to appreciate the birth of Christ. the day where we can reflect upon our salvation, our faith, what proves the Holy and triune God also being human.

days of gratitude. it's a day set apart to appreciate those that we love, on their day. just like november 15th is my day, billions upon billions of people have their days on the other 364 days of the year. some don't even get to celebrate their birthday if it's on the leap years.. which makes me even more thankful that i have a day for my birth to be celebrated.

i know this sounds like random ranting of a boy that just had his birthday, which it kind of is, but i really want to put it out there that we need to be more appreciated for being born, having friends/family, and having a day that is set apart for us. i mean dayam out of every group of friends, you are most likely the only one with that day of the year, as well as other people having their days on different times of the year. celebrate and be merry! don't be all down, thinking "shit, i'm another year older.. another year to dread, another year to feel even older, another year closer to death." it can actually be thought of as another day closer to meeting God in Heaven. i'm pretty dang excited. no joke.



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